WICHITA, KS - Governor Laura Kelly announced that the Kansas Office of Apprenticeship has launched the MeadowLARK - Leading Apprenticeship Results in Kansas - Initiative to expand the state's Registered Apprenticeship opportunities further. "MeadowLARK is an important tool that will be used to grow the state's skilled workforce in rural and urban communities across multiple industries - furthering Kansas' economic growth," Governor Laura Kelly said. MeadowLARK will also greatly expand the Kansas Office of Registered Apprenticeship's efforts by developing Multi-Employer Intermediaries focusing on high-demand, high-wage occupations to meet industry needs. The Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas was selected as one of the Regional Multi-Employer Intermediaries by the Kansas Office of Apprenticeship for the MeadowLARK Grant Program. The other local workforce boards selected for the project include the Workforce Partnerships and Southeast KANSASWORKS. The grant will allow the WA to support registered apprenticeships in advanced manufacturing including semi-conductor production, healthcare and childcare, Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO), or other in demand occupations in South Central Kansas, as well as serve as a multi-employer intermediary. The project is directly supported through a State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula (SAEF) grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. The State of Kansas was awarded a total of $6,331,847. The WA was awarded $709,338 capacity funding to convene opportunities for populations with barriers to employment.The WA will work with the Kansas Office of Apprenticeship to utilize these funds and continue revolutionizing apprenticeships in Kansas. The grant will support 100 apprentices and provide up to $2,000 per apprentice for related technical instruction in South Central Kansas. "Since it was established last year, the Kansas Office of Registered Apprenticeship is making huge strides to expand the highest quality earn-and-learn opportunities across our state," Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. "Through the MeadowLARK funding, the office will continue bringing together businesses, industries, labor, workforce boards, higher education systems, state departments, and other stakeholders, with one objective: Making Kansas a top 25 apprenticeship state by 2025." "The Workforce Alliance is a longtime champion of Registered Apprenticeship programs, and pleased the Meadowlark Grant will provide the resources to help us build on our experience in this area and allow the organization to become a multi-employer intermediary," said Keith Lawing, Workforce Alliance President and CEO. Individuals interested in Registered Apprenticeship should contact WA Registered Apprenticeship Program Coordinator, Melody Head at MHead@workforce-ks.com or 316-771-6608. Please visit https://workforce-ks.com/programs/registeredapprenticeship for more information. |