Request for Proposals- Office Copier/Printer Lease and Maintenance
Article Categories: Procurements
Article Tags: Procurements

The Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas has released the following Request for Proposals to slease office copiers/printers and the maintenance of the machines.

Key Dates:

     July 2, 2024                                          RFP Available at www.workforce-ks.com/rfps

     July 30, 2024, 12 p.m.                          Deadline for Proposals to be received

     August 14th, 2024                                Board Executive Committee Reviews Staff Recommendation


Click on the following links to download the RFP and support information.

Download the RFP Document 

Download the Required Signature Sheet


Questions or to seek assistance with retrieving the RFP documents can be submitted via email to Chad@Workforce-ks.com and admin@workforce-ks.com or by calling 316-771-6602.

Article Categories: Procurements
Article Tags: Procurements