Request for Proposals- WIOA Youth Element Providers


The Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to deliver innovative and quality service elements to eligible out of school youth in south central Kansas.  The Workforce Alliance is accepting proposals until further notice and can be submitted at anytime.  Proposals will be evaluated as long as funding is available.  Funding cycles start each fiscal year on July 1.    

Proposers can review the requests and qualifications from the Request for Proposal Document that is available by clicking on the link below.  


Proposers that have technical difficulties or have questions can contact the Procurement Officer at Chad@Workforce-KS.com or by calling 316-771-6602.  


Workforce Alliance WIOA Youth Elements Request

Attachment A- Kansas Local Areas

Attachment B- Youth Program Elements

Attachment C- Period of Performance Service and Outcomes

Attachment D- Budget Instructions

Attachment E- Budget Worksheets

Attachment F- Statement of Qualifications

Attachment G- Contract General Provisions

Attachment H- Proposal Checklist

Attachment I- Reference Materials