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The Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas was named one of the recipients of the 2023 Leadership Transformation Grants.
Keith Lawing was interviewed on KSN News in regard to the increase for aviation workers in the greater Wichita Area

The interview can be viewed at:
One of the most challenging issues impacting both employers and job seekers is access to child care. Over the next few weeks the WA and Child Start hope to meet with business groups, employer associations, and individual companies to discuss available steps to grow the workforce and connect talented job seekers to good jobs. A starting point is the recent expansion of the Childcare Tax Credit in the State of Kansas.
A statewide technology conference next month in Wichita is swinging for the fences.

The Ad Astra Technology Summit, being hosted by, is slated for Sept. 12 — with organizers promising a daylong event intentionally designed to educate, inspire and impress.
(WICHITA, KS) The Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas, USD 259, Wichita State University, and WSU Tech are celebrating the launch of an exciting project with Roadtrip Nation (RTN) designed to engage high school students and job seekers in exploring their career journey with area business leaders, in addition to learning about the variety of jobs, education, and skills training resources in South Central Kansas.
The Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas, Youth Employment Project (YEP), will host the 2022 Manufacturing Interview Day on Saturday, April 9, 2022, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Future Ready Center, 1437 N Rochester. More than 150 summer internship positions will be available for teens ages 16-19.
The WA released its biannual training report and there are currently 830 persons enrolled in education and supported by over $2.6 million in skills training funds from eight different projects that operate from the Workforce Centers in South Central Kansas. Many of these people in education and training were impacted by lay-offs from the Boeing 737 production pause, or from job loss due to COVID.
WICHITA (October 26, 2021) — The Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas (WA) has been awarded $800,000 as part of a $3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor in collaboration with the Midwest Urban Strategies (MUS) partnership.
For the fifth consecutive year, Bank of America is supporting the WA’s Youth Employment Project (YEP), to assist young adults in finding a first job or work experience opportunity, with a $45,000 grant. Services to young adults through the YEP include assistance with resume creation, job search, preparing for interviews as well as education in soft skills, customer service, and money management.
The U.S. Department of Labor announced that the Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas is one of 19 organizations awarded funding from the $145 million H-1B One Workforce Grant Program, to invest in training the workforce of the future for critical industries such as Information Technology, Advanced Manufacturing, and Transportation.
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