Employers are the foundation of every Registered Apprenticeship program. They play an active role in building the program and remain involved every step of the way. Employers sometimes work together through industry associations, apprenticeship councils, labor-management unions, or other consortia to develop and maintain apprenticeship programs.
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Registered Apprenticeship Components
Employers develop an on-the-job training plan for apprentices using the identified skillsets for the occupation as a guide. On-the-job training is provided through an experienced mentor.
Registered Apprenticeship programs include related instruction that supplements on-the-job learning and provides the technical and academic competencies that apply to the job. This instruction can be delivered by an education/training provider or by the business itself.
Rewards for Skills GainsApprentices earn competitive wages—a paycheck from day one and incremental raises as skill levels increase.
National Occupation Credential Every graduate of a Registered Apprenticeship program receives a nationally recognized credential that certifies that the worker is fully qualified for that occupation.
Program Sponsor Responsibilities
Once a new Program Sponsor has been approved by the Kansas Apprenticeship Council (KAC) complete the following steps:
1. Gain Access to RAPIDS:
2. Provide required signatures to KOA:
3. Upload documents and input information into RAPIDS:
For more information contact Registered Apprenticeship Program Coordinator, Crosby Branham at CBranham@workforce-ks.com or 316-771-6639.