What's in it for you:
- A host of resources from Roadtrip Nation
- Adult Mentoring
- Counseling Services
- Individualized Career Planning and Labor Market Information
- Introduction to Entrepreneurship Skills
- Introduction to Financial Literacy
- Occupational Skills Training for short-term, in-demand occupations
- Paid Work Experiences
- Referral to Adult Education and GED Preparation
- Supportive Services (Bus Passes, fuel reimbursement, childcare, & more)
- Tutoring and Study Skills
- Up to one year of follow-up services
- Work Readiness and other Leadership Development Opportunities
| Who Can Join: Out-of-school youth, aged 16-24, who are eligible to work in the U.S. and have at least one of the following barriers to employment and/or training: - Documented Disability
- High School Dropout
- Homeless and/or Runaway
- Pregnant and/or Parenting
- In Foster Care or Aged Out of Foster Care
- Offender (involved in the justice system)
- Basic Skills Deficient or English Language Learner *
* Must meet income requirements ** Individuals born male, 18 and older, must be registered for Selective Service to be eligible for any federal aid program
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Young adults with an interest in furthering their education and employment goals can start the process by using the
Online Job-Seeker Referral Form
If you believe you qualify and would like to schedule yourself for a WIOA Youth Program Orientation,
- Click/tap ➡️ Sign up for an Orientation
- Once on the scheduling page, select 'Schedule Appointment,'
- Choose 'WIOA Youth Program Orientation' from the options.
- Finally, choose your preferred date and time on the calendar. We look forward to seeing you!