Free advanced computer training and certifications
Eligible adults and dislocated workers who complete core and intensive services at the Workforce Center and still find themselves unable to secure employment may be eligible to receive financial assistance for training in a demand occupation.
Offers programs and services for individuals who are affiliated with a Federally Recognized Tribe.
Chart of information for the Dislocated Worker Program
Federal Student Aid plays a central and essential role in supporting postsecondary education by providing money for college to eligible students and families
Job Corps is a free education and training program that helps young people learn a career, earn a high school diploma or GED, and find and keep a good job.
The goal of the project is to equip workers with emerging technical skills to build a stronger pipeline for employers in Technology and Advanced Manufacturing occupations in South Central Kansas.
The Trade Adjustment Assistance Program (TAA) is a federally funded program that helps workers who have lost their jobs as a result of foreign trade.
Registered Apprenticeship is an employment and training program where you earn wages while you learn a skilled profession in a specific field such as construction or health care.
SCSEP provides workers ages 55 & over with an opportunity to gain key work skills by working in a real world, real time environment.
Employment and training services are available to eligible veterans.