Success Stories
Jan Receives Resumé and Interview Assistance

Jan sought career assistance with the Wichita Workforce Center in April 2023 shortly after resigning from her position as an Executive Administrative Assistant. She was hopeful to find an employer that would allow her to balance work-life activities, and her previous schedule made it impossible to spend time with family. During her first appointment, Jan received a resume review and learned how to use KansasWorks to search for positions. After some persuasion over several appointments, Jan reorganized and condensed her resume; over a two-month span, she applied to over 60 positions with most of them being remote work. Jan began to feel discouraged and decided to make a few additional adjustments to her resumé making the final revision much more concise and easier to read.

The Workforce Professional assisting Jan suggested a mock interview to determine if she needed to improve her interviewing skills. It was suggested that she approach remote interviews in the same manner as a face-to-face interview; having a prepared list of questions, professional attire, and no distractions (IE childcare). The mock interview showed that Jan answered questions quickly and used her hands while talking. Overall, she performed well with both positive feedback and helpful suggestions bolstering her confidence. Jan commented that practicing before the real event prepared her much better for a face-to-face interview.

Employers could see Jan had impressive qualifications and after many unsuccessful interviews, Jan did land the job offer she had hoped for as the Marketing Administrative Assistant with a local, globally-renowned air circulation company. She started in July at $22.00 per hour with full benefits and The Workforce Professional who had been assisting her was the first to hear about her successfully obtaining her desired job. Jan was so impressed with the help she received, that she personally recommended the Workforce Professional and the Wichita Workforce Center to an acquaintance, who then became a new client.