Success Stories
One Workforce Grant helps High School Grad earn Technical Certificate and a job with Textron Aviation

Cheyenne had recently graduated high school in May of 2023 and was enrolled to begin 21 credit hours in WSU Tech’s Composite Technician program the following month. Due to a lack of income and Pell Grant assistance, Cheyenne was unable to cover the financial burden of tuition, fees, and supplies required for her coursework.

In March, Cheyenne was deemed eligible for training-cost assistance through the One Workforce Grant and completed all required steps to overcome the financial barriers impeding her coursework. The One Workforce Grant was able to cover the entire portion of her tuition and fees. This provided Cheyenne the ability to fully focus on her studies and enabled her successful completion of the Composite Technician program through WSU Tech in July 2023.

Certificate in hand, she was able to secure a full-time position with Textron Aviation as a Composite Technician. The job began in September and was eligible for employer supported benefits. Cheyenne received a starting wage of $20.00 per hour, which will increase to $20.50 concluding her new hire training.