Success Stories
Single Mother of Six Overcomes Extreme Hardships with aid from the WIOA Adult Program

Workforce Challenge:
Artisha attended a virtual appointment for eligibility of services through the Wichita Workforce Center in January 2021 for the WIOA Adult Program. She was a single mother of 6, who was unemployed and utilizing SNAP and childcare services through DCF. Artisha was enrolled for full-time LPN training at WSU Tech and was seeking assistance due to not qualifying for any Pell Grant assistance moving forward.

Workforce Solution:
Artisha was approved for the WIOA Adult Program, and began utilizing funds for her LPN Technical Certificate in the spring of 2021. This allowed Artisha to focus on  training full-time without requiring as many loans to complete her schooling. While in training, Artisha experienced many barriers and hardships including a serious car accident in October 2021, which left her  wheelchair-bound for a period of time and required her to retake her entire Fall Semester of  2021. Workforce Professional (WP) was able to submit an Exception Request to add to her maximum budget and pay for retakes due to these extenuating circumstances. In addition, the client had significant deaths in her family that demanded her attention in aiding her family. During these hardships, Artisha was able to continue her classes full-time with some supportive services including utility assistance.
Artisha was able to secure part-time employment in October 2022 as a CNA/CMA to supplement her DCF assistance and remain on childcare assistance. This provided needed income and allowed her to meet DCF childcare requirements to continue towards her goals.

Artisha was able to successfully complete her LPN Program through WSU Tech and gain her Technical Certificate in December 2022. Additionally, she was able to gain her LPN Multi-state License in March 2023. She was ultimately promoted from her part-time job to full-time status and promoted from a CNA/CMA to an LPN in January 2023. She is now making $17.50 per hour with full-time benefits to support herself and her family.